Accelerated digitalisation in health sector brings opportunities for cost-effective and efficient delivery of personalised care, through medical devices (including software) connected to IT networks and increasingly combined with novel technologies (AI, cloud computing, blockchain or 5G networks) and simultaneously Europe is witnessing an increase in the complexity and sophistication of attacks threatening such critical infrastructure.

CYLCOMED addresses the overall ambitious goal of strengthening the cybersecurity of connected, in vitro diagnostic and software as medical devices (CMDs, IVDs, SaMD), maintaining their performance and safety for patients and preserving or enhancing the confidentiality, integrity and availability of private data they exchange or allow to be remotely accessed and focusing on humans operating the technology as the weakest link in the chain for security and privacy, with training and awareness measures tailored to healthcare staff needs. It does so by enabling adoption by all ecosystem stakeholders of technologically sovereign and trustworthy cybersecurity methodologies and toolboxes for connected medical devices and the environments in which they are managed and operate (platforms), complemented with fit-for-purpose guidance covering identified risks and gaps. 

Project Acronym:CYLCOMED
Project Name:Cyber securitY tooLbox for COnnected MEdical Devices
Grant Agreement number:101095542
Call Identifier:HORIZON-HLTH-2022-IND-13-01
Call Name:A competitive health-related industry (2022)
Topic:Enhancing cybersecurity of connected medical devices
Type of action:Research and Innovation Action (RIA)
Starting Date:01.12.2022
Duration:36 months